Topics » Which Handpan is Right for Me? An Overview of All Sela Handpan Models
14. June 2024

Which Handpan is Right for Me? An Overview of All Sela Handpan Models

Welcome to the fascinating world of Sela Handpans! This unique instrument has captured the hearts of music enthusiasts worldwide in recent years. Besides its captivating sound, the handpan stands out for its intuitive, easy-to-learn playing style. Musical background knowledge is not necessary, as the special tuning of a handpan prevents any dissonant notes from being played. This makes it an incredibly versatile instrument for both beginners and advanced players alike.

At Sela, we develop and produce a wide variety of different handpans with dedication and passion. Our instruments have quickly gained worldwide recognition for their high quality and unique sound. Each Sela Handpan is carefully crafted and tested to provide an unparalleled playing experience for both beginners and experienced musicians. Below, we’ll introduce you to the differences between our handpan series and help you find the right model for you.

What Handpan Series are Available at Sela?


Our Melody Handpans stand out with their stylish dark blue finish, immediately catching the eye with their unique appearance. They are made from nitrided steel (DC04), which, with its relatively short sustain, is ideal for a percussive playing style. Sela Melody Handpans produce quickly fading tones that do not overlap too much, making these models perfect for beginners. Due to their more sensitive surface, they should be carefully cleaned and maintained after each use.

Special Features:

  • Available in many tunings
  • All models with 9 tones


Our Harmony Series offers two subcategories with models made from nitrided steel and stainless steel. Harmony handpans made from nitrided steel feature a matte gray-blue finish. Due to their short sustain, they are also ideal for percussive playing, and they are slightly more stable in tuning compared to our Melody series.

Harmony Handpans made from stainless steel are ideal for beginners and among our most popular and best-selling handpans due to their excellent price-performance ratio. They feature a matte gold finish and are more stable in tuning compared to models made from nitrided steel, thanks to their higher-quality material. If you prefer a slow, engaging, and meditative playing style, these models are ideal due to their longer sustain.

Special Features:

  • Available in many tunings
  • All models with 9 tones


Die Phoenix Handpans bestehen aus einer Legierung aus nitriertem Stahl und Edelstahl und vereinen klanglich das Beste aus beiden Welten. Der höhere Preis kommt durch den aufwändigeren Verarbeitungsprozess der Materialmischung zustande. Außerdem bieten unsere Phoenix Handpans allesamt eine Spielfläche mit 10 Tönen. Bei den Abmessungen fallen sie etwas höher aus als unsere Melody und Harmony Handpans, haben aber den gleichen Durchmesser.

Special Features:

  • All models with 10 tones
  • Available in many tunings


Material, Verarbeitung und Klang der Sela Unity Handpans sind identisch zu den Edelstahlmodellen der Harmony-Serie – mit einem entscheidenden Unterschied bei der Stimmung: Der Kammerton A liegt hier nämlich nicht bei der in westlicher Musik üblichen Standardfrequenz von 440 Hertz, sondern bei 432 Hertz. Diese Stimmung wird in der Meditation und Entspannungsmusik oft als harmonischer und natürlicher empfunden. Instrumente mit 432-Hz-Stimmung werden vor allem in spirituellen und esoterischen Kreisen bevorzugt, da ihnen positive Auswirkungen auf das körperliche und geistige Wohlbefinden nachgesagt werden. Wichtig ist, dass unsere Unity Handpans mit regulär gestimmten Instrumenten nicht harmonieren! Hier handelt es sich also primär um Soloinstrumente, die allenfalls mit anderen 432-Hz-Instrumenten kombiniert werden können.

Special Features:

  • Available in many tunings
  • All models with 9 tones
  • Tuning: 432 Hz (Pitch A)


Die Majesty Handpans unserer Top-Linie werden ebenfalls aus Edelstahl gefertigt, der jedoch in einem aufwändigen Prozess poliert wird. Dabei entsteht das glänzende, bronzefarbene Finish, das für einen edlen und hochwertigen Look sorgt. Der Stahl ist zudem viel dünner als bei den Harmony Handpans, was das Resonanzverhalten verbessert und einen nochmals besseren Klang mit längerem Sustain ermöglicht. Durch einen mehrstufigen Stimmprozess bieten unsere Majesty Handpans auch die höchste Stimmstabilität unter all unseren Serien. Sie sind mit 9, 13 oder 17 Tönen erhältlich. Die Modelle mit erweitertem Tonumfang richten sich zwar primär an erfahrene Handpan-Spieler, können aber durchaus auch von Anfängern gespielt werden. Die zusätzlichen Tonfelder auf der Unterseite des Instruments können zu Beginn nämlich einfach ausgelassen werden.

Special Features:

  • Available in many tunings
  • Models with 9, 13, or 17 Tones
  • including handcrafted, decorative handpan rope made of polyester

How Do I Choose the Right Handpan for Me?? Here are some tips!

When choosing the right handpan for you, consider three points: the intended use, your skill level, and your sound preferences. Do you want the handpan for meditation, musical performances, or simply for relaxation after a stressful day? Are you buying your very first handpan, or are you an experienced player seeking a new musical challenge with more than nine notes? Then there’s the sound: should it be more short and percussive, or rather floating, ethereal, and dreamy? By answering these questions, you’ll be one step closer to finding your ideal handpan. Ideally, you should try out different models at a Sela dealer near you. And if you still need assistance, our handpan specialists are happy to help you by phone or email.

The Magic of Sela Handpans – Your Perfect Instrument Awaits!

Sela Handpans offer an impressive variety of high-quality models that differ in material, sound character, and tuning. From the affordable Melody series for beginners to the exquisite Majesty series for the most discerning players—each Sela Handpan is crafted with dedication and provides a unique playing experience.

Additional Information and further Links

Sela Custom Handpans: Upon request, we create handpans according to your individual wishes. All information about this can be found here.

Sela Handpan care instructions: Here you’ll learn everything about properly caring for our handpans.

Handpan Tunings and Notes: Learn all about the various handpan tunings in the video bellow: