Artists » Jürgen Huck

Jürgen Huck

My Life is Sound

For five generations, my family has been crafting bells, and I continue this tradition with pride. Our customers come from all over the world, dealing in a variety of instruments, including singing bowls, gongs, and more. In 2002, I had my first direct encounter with singing bowls and gongs at a weekend seminar. During the breakfast break, the participants unexpectedly asked me if I could take over the course. That was a pivotal moment for me, even though I didn’t take on the role of instructor at that time.

Instead, I seized the opportunity to further educate myself. I purchased gongs and singing bowls from my customers and attended several courses. It became apparent to me that the quality of the mallets and instruments used could be improved. This realization led me to suggest better mallets and additional instruments to the course instructors, which are particularly suited for sound therapy.

In 2005, we opened our own practice in the former manor house of the bell factory. Since 2009, I have been offering training sessions and outfitting saunas, yoga studios, wellness hotels, and many other establishments. Between 2013 and 2017, I also worked in two clinics in the pain therapy department.

Today, I have over 100 singing bowls, more than 50 gongs, various handpans, didgeridoos, tuning forks, sound beds, monochords, and many other instruments. In my eyes and in my heart, I feel that I have gathered every instrument that could be used in sound therapy in my space. It is said that sound heals – and I have made it my mission to share this healing sound with the world.

