Artists » Elchanan Eltheide

Elchanan Eltheide

I am particularly fascinated by the warm, full sound of the Sela Handpans and enjoy experimenting with the bottom notes, which add more variety and life to the whole playing experience. Sela continually outdoes itself by bringing more and more scales with additional notes to the market, so that every taste is catered to.

El was born in 1999 in Jerusalem and lived at a young age in Switzerland, France, and since the age of 6 in Germany. He passionately enjoys playing the handpan and percussion. He became aware of the handpan at the age of 5 when he discovered a busker playing the instrument in Strasbourg, France, on the marketplace. He showed it to his mother, Esther, and she immediately fell in love with this instrument. This led her to purchase a handpan. At the age of 18, El decided to actively play the instrument by borrowing his parents‘ instrument to busk on the street. After 3 months, he made enough income through music to buy the handpan from them. Now El plays at celebrations, stages, outdoors, and also incorporates his Sela handpan into his social profession as a special needs caregiver.

